How To Block People On Facebook?

How To Block People On Facebook?

Facebook has done an incredible job of bringing friends and family closer. No matter
how far your friend lives, you stay updated about his/her life. But then there are certain
downsides as well. One of the best ways to deal with toxic people on the platform is to
block them. If you want to know how to block on Facebook, we are here to help.

Various Reasons For Blocking People On Facebook

Reason #1: Extreme Views
It doesn't matter whether it's political or religious, some people are very stubborn with
their beliefs, no matter how conservative and out-of-date they are. But no matter how
much we were taught to respect other's points of view, sometimes their way of
expressing gets too obnoxious and obstinate.

Reason #2: Personal Reasons
One can block other people for a myriad of personal reasons. For instance, ending a
relationship can turn ugly. Still, even if you remained amicable with your ex after a
breakup, it could be frustrating and disheartening to watch him/her move on so quickly.
It gets more complicated when your ex gets a new romantic partner.

Reason #3: Stalking
Stalking is undesirable but very common on social networking apps. It might be an
ex-flame of yours or someone you don't even know, but he/she makes you
uncomfortable, and you want it to stop. A better way to set boundaries is by unfriending
them. Still, if they continue to make you feel awkward or send uneasy messages, it is
best to block these people on Facebook and end the story.

Reason #4: Cleaning one's Facebook
Sometimes people like to go on what many describe as a Facebook detox. They go on a
blocking rampage, blocking everyone from their friend's list who they don't like or have
in any way hurt their feelings, or have been negative to them.

Step-By-Step Actions
There are several ways to block people on Facebook. We have divided this discussion
into parts for simplicity and easy understanding.

Method #1: How To Block People On Facebook From Your Computer?

      ● Log onto your Facebook account
      ● Click on the three dots present at the upper right corner of the screen.
      ● From the drop-down menu that appears, click on the settings icon.
      ● Once inside, choose 'Blocking' from the menu and then type the name or email
      address of the person you want to block.
      ● Facebook would then ask you to confirm your choice. Click on the “Block” button
      to confirm. The person is now blocked.

Method #2: How To Block People On Facebook Messenger?

If you want to know how to block people on Facebook messenger, follow the
given steps:

      ● Go to the Facebook messenger and open the chat with the person you wish to
      ● A pop-up box will appear when you hold your finger on that person's name.
      ● Click on More and then the option Block Messages.
      ● Tap on “Done” to confirm your choice.

Method #3: How To Block On Facebook App?

To block on the Facebook app, we can follow the provided steps:
      ● Go to your Facebook app and click on the three horizontal lines present at the
      upper right-hand side of the screen.
      ● Click on Privacy Shortcuts. You will find an option there that says, " How do I
      stop someone from bothering me?"
      ● Click on the link, and Facebook will ask you the name/ email address of the
      person you want to block.
      ● Enter the name and click Block.

Another way to block people on your computer and via the Facebook app is:
      ● Log onto your Facebook account.
      ● Under the search tab, type the name of the person you want to block.
      ● After Facebook load that user's profile, click on the three horizontal lines beneath
      their profile picture.
      ● A drop-down menu appears, scroll down and tap on “Block.”
      ● Confirm your choice by tapping “Block” again.
      ● The person is blocked now.

Method #4: How To Block Messages On Facebook From Nonfriends?

To block messages on Facebook from strangers, you need to:
      ● Go to your Facebook account and tap on the three ellipses at the upper right
      ● Click on “Privacy settings” and then tap on the “Edit Settings” option, which is
      provided right next to 'How you connect.'
      ● From the drop-down box, pick an answer to the question, 'Who can send me
      Facebook messages?'
      ● By choosing friends as your answer, nonfriends can no longer send you messages
      ● Alternatively, you can also directly block a specific person's account who is trying
      to send you messages by following the steps we earlier provided.

Method #5: How To Block Facebook On A Computer?

There are numerous reasons you might wonder how to block Facebook on your
computer. You might be spending too much time on the website, or it was killing your
product, or you want a digital detox. Whatever your reasons might be, we got the
solution for you:

      ● You need to ensure that you have administrator access on the PC. Now, you need
      to make changes to the host file.
      ● On a Windows computer, go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\. On Linux,
      go to /etc/hosts. For your Mac OS9, you can do so by going to the Systems folder.
      For OS X, go to /private/etc/hosts
      ● In notepad, open the host file and add these lines at the end:
      ● Save the changes made, and Facebook would be blocked from your computer.

Facebook has provided some very easy to follow guidelines to protect you from other
people. One of them is the blocking feature.
It is for your safety and security, and you should use it whenever it seems appropriate
and required.
By following the above-detailed steps, you can block anyone on Facebook easily via your
computer or Facebook app on your phone.

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