How To Change Your Facebook Name?

How To Change Your Facebook Name?

Want to change your Facebook name? This article of Arcler Desk teaches you how to change your name on Facebook. Though this way users can change your displayed name on Facebook at mobile and Desktop.

Note: Always be cautious while changing your name because Facebook will only allow you to change your names several times. Given below are steps you need to follow to change your Facebook name.

  1. Go to Facebook app and LOGIN your Facebook Profile

Open at desktop or go to Facebook app, if you're using mobile that time. This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged into Facebook on your phone or tablet.

If you aren't logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password to continue.

  1. Go to “SETTINGS”

      3. Proceed with Account settings for General changes.

Go to settings tab placed in the blue tab at top right side. Now proceed with Account Settings to change the General settings such as name, email id, contact number and username.

     4. Select Name section to change your Facebook name:

     5. Save the Changes you made.

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