How to Disable Avast Antivirus

How to Disable Avast Antivirus

Why do we need an antivirus? For as long as computers will be in existence or have
been, there will forever be a need for antivirus. Cybercriminals, hackers, and curious
youngsters will always be a threat to the security of your computer or laptop.

We agree that not all threats to your system are with the motive to steal valued
information or to cause damage, but it can still be dangerous. The vulnerability of a
computer can be used as access means to reach up to the mainframe of the system. It
could be anything, a problem in the operating system, or even the way it is being used.

There are hundreds and thousands of viruses that are floating and are spread all over
the cyberspace. When you keep clicking links one after the other or share funny
attachments, you unknowingly provide a space for these viruses to house.

Installing a genuine operating system, controlling spam, scanning, and regularly
installing security patches or updates are little things we can do to protect our
computers from viruses.

Antivirus software not only protects your system but also assists you in many other
different ways like rootkit, bot, or worm protection, messaging protection, which
notifies you if any attachment is dangerous to the system and many others.

If you think a virus can only spread via the internet, it is not true. It can be spread by
hard drives, portable pen drives carrying viruses from one system to another.

Here’s where we need antivirus software. Antivirus software helps prevent these virus
attacks or intrusions. Avast Antivirus is one of the most renowned and trusted antivirus
providers. Other than its antivirus function, the Avast Antivirus provides other features
both in its paid and free versions.

We often find people asking questions like why do we need an antivirus, how to install
an Avast antivirus software, how to disable Avast antivirus on windows 10 and so
on. Today, we will tell how to disable one temporarily in this article.

If you already have an Avast antivirus installed in the system and want to uninstall it or
disable it. Let’s see how you can do that quickly and easily.

How to disable Avast antivirus temporarily?

Sometimes, when you already have antivirus software installed in your system, you can
face problems in installing other applications or drivers. It is mainly because the
antivirus identifies the threat the application or file may carry.

In those times, you can disable the antivirus software temporarily. The Avast antivirus
software allows you to switch off specific shields temporarily. Follow the steps below
to disable Avast antivirus.

#1 Go to the Avast antivirus main window. You can do that by either selecting it from
the system tray or by double-clicking on the desktop icon.

#2 Now, click on the ‘Protection’ button from the main interface and then go to ‘Core
Shields.’ In this section, you will be able to view all the shields that are currently active
or inactive in the system. Like file shield, web shield, behavior shield, and mail shield.

#3 From here, choose the guard that you would like to disable temporarily. Once you
click on any of the shields, a dialog box opens with four options which are-

      ● Stop for 10 minutes
      ● Stop for 1 hour
      ● Stop until next restart
      ● Stop indefinitely or permanently

This is just the antivirus software telling you that you expose the system to viruses every
time you disable a shield.

#4 After you have chosen one of the above options, the switch for the particular shield
changes to ‘OFF.’ When you see this, you have successfully turned off
Avast Antivirus.

So, if you are still asking how to disable Avast antivirus on Windows 10 or
Windows, you can use the same method as mentioned above.

In another case, if Avast antivirus stopped working or is causing any other issue, you can
always reach out to their toll-free customer service number for assistance.
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