How To Manage Face Recognition Settings On Facebook?

How To Manage Face Recognition Settings On Facebook?

Are you looking for Facebook facial recognition search? And, some of us are searching Facebook Facial recognition app. Yes, Facebook Face Recognition feature is mandatory due to security reasons for both men and women.

Facial recognition-based features are nothing new to Facebook. The company has used facial recognition to suggest friends tag in photos. Now, the company announced for expanding its facial recognition features to help combat fake accounts using another person's Photo (not tagged even). The feature is to recognize whether you're in a photo or video, our system compares it with your profile picture, and photos and videos that you're tagged in. This lets us know when you're in other photos and videos so that we can create a better experience.

The feature is nice, but do you know “how to use Facebook face recognition”? The Article discloses settings to be made to utilize the feature of Facebook face recognition in an easy way.

1. Go to Facebook app and LOGIN your Facebook Profile

Open at the desktop or go to Facebook app, if you're using mobile that time. This will open your Facebook News Feed if you're already logged into Facebook on your phone or tablet.

If you aren't logged into Facebook, enter your email address (or phone number) and password to continue.

2. Go to “SETTINGS”

3. Choose the option of Face Recognition

4. Turn the Facebook Face Recognition Feature ON!


All done? Great, All Your Pictures are Safe Now!

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