How To Protect Your Facebook Account Password From Hackers?

How To Protect Your Facebook Account Password From Hackers?

Worried about the hacking of your Facebook password? With so many reports of Facebook security breaches and identity theft in the news lately, making and using a secure password for your computer and online activities is more important than ever. I put together number of ways that considers to help you to protect your Facebook password from hackers.

  1. Get Alerts About Unrecognized Logins

You can empower Login warning that informs you about any untrusted login from anyone (May be a hacker) who’s trying to login by utilizing your ID and Password intentionally or accidentally. You'll receive a notification about recent login that warns to verify user. If you find a wrong person or hacker utilizing your account, then it’s time to change your Facebook password right now by logging out from all devices.

  • To Enable Login Notification

Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Get alerts about unrecognized logins.

Put a Check Mark on your preferred option and don’t forget to save the settings you made.

  1. Use Two-Factor Authentication

Most of us are unaware about this type of security process called Two-Factor Authentication. Two factor authentication is a type of code or personal identification number comes at your registered mobile number to login your Facebook account anywhere at any device. Turn the two factor authentication on, add your phone number (ignore if already added) and set a security key for more safety.

  • To turn on Use two factor authentication

Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Use two-factor authentication

Manage the settings and save them.


  1. Keep Checking Your Active Sessions and Enable Secure browsing

It's obligatory to dependably check your Active sessions. If you notice any new area or gadget, it basically prescribes that your Facebook account is in danger. Simply tap on End movement and change your secret key after that.

  • To check active sessions

Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Active Sessions.

To keep your Facebook password secure, we request you to enable the secure browsing to make your account more secure.

Go to Home-> Account Settings -> Security -> Secure Browsing.

  1. Use a password security tool

If still you surmise that somebody is abusing your Facebook Password, then there is nothing wrong to go with a trusted password security tool.

Given Below are few tips helps to secure your passwords:

  1. Always generate complex passwords: Try to generate a complex password including Uppercase & lowercase letters, Numerical and symbolic combinations make really hard for hackers to hack your FB passwords.
  2. Always change your passwords within a six months
  3. Always click a link carefully

Arcler Desk Wishes You A Happy And Secure Facebook Browsing!

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