The main cause of QB error 15214 is by an incorrect configuration of Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE). For safeguarding your computer and its contents, QuickBooks attempts to verify the digital signature on all files that are downloaded through the program. If QuickBooks is unable to verify the digital signature of a file that you are trying to download, the error will occur.
Fix QB Error 15214
For additional information on digital signatures you can refer the Digital Certificates Descriptions on the Microsoft Help and Support Website.
For the resolution of the error you can download the latest version of Internet Explorer from the Microsoft Download Center.
Note: IE 10 is not recommended for versions of QuickBooks prior to 2013.
If the latest version does not resolve the issue, you can try one of the solutions mentioned below. Try to follow the order of the solutions.
# Solution 1: Perform a Clean Install of QuickBooks
# Solution 2: Edit Internet Explorer options:
Open Internet Explorer.
Choose Internet Options (gear icon in upper right).
Choose Security then click on trusted sites.
Click the Sites button and add*.quickbooks.comand*.intuit.comto your trusted sites.
# Solution 3: Update Microsoft Security Certificate
The problems with your software may be caused by an expired Windows security certificate.
If the above solution does not resolve the issue or answer your question, you can read discussions and post messages and questions relating to your issue on the Intuit QuickBooks Community site introduced by Intuit or you can connect with the QuickBooks Error supportHelpline for guidance and error fixation.
If you have the latest version of IE installed, still you continue to receive the error after attempting the resolutions noted above; it is possible that one or more of your Microsoft Windows program files may be unstable. For this you need to contact technical support for Windows products. Please contact or visit:
Your system or network administrator (if you have one).
The vendor from whom you purchased your computer.
A local computer consultant.