QuickBooks, one of the most sought after product designed by Intuit, has successfully turned many small and medium sized businesses into prospering enterprises. The software combined with powerful features and user friendly interface along with easy to understand navigation ensures that both novice and professional computer users can employ and use it with ease. Another selling point of the software is the award winning customer support team of QuickBooks consisting of individuals who are quite swift in handling all sorts of issues and problems you might encounter while using QuickBooks software. One of the most common error reported by the users to the customer support is – 6000,-83.
QuickBooks Error -6000,-83:– This error is generally detected when you try to open, restore or backup your company file. One of the main reasons for this error is:
• You may not have sufficient permissions to the specified folder. If you use QuickBooks you must have read/write and create/delete rights to folder where the company file is located.
Other possible reasons for this error are listed below:-
• Do not have sufficient permission for network server.
• Windows firewall or security blocking QuickBooks files.
• Damaged company file
• Multiple users trying to host data file.
• Missing files in QuickBooks installation.
• File extension would not be correct which we are trying to access data file.
To fix this issue we would have to follow some steps according to the error situation which you have at your location. It would be different for both standalone computer and multi user network installation.
• If you are using company file that is located on server computer:-
1. Download and install QuickBooks File Doctor tool.
• If QuickBooks is hosted on more than one PC then we need to make some changes.
1. We have to go to all computers and make sure hosting is turned off on each computer. It should be turned on only on main server computer.
2. Go to File > Utilities. Now if you see Host multi user access then this computer is not hosting QuickBooks file.
3. If you see “Stop hosting multi user access” click yes, you would be getting message “Company file must be closed” Click YES and continue. Now go to another PC and do same activity.
• We can try to check if QuickBooks is on latest release.
• Configure QuickBooks Firewall.
• Check permission to access data file.
• Open company file from different locations.