If error 6010 is caused by antivirus software, the solution is to disable that software. If your registry has been modified by a registry cleaner, the solution is to perform a clean install of QuickBooks. Before uninstalling any program, be sure that you have adequate backups of both your program and your data for future use. Check more Quickbooks error here .
how to Fix QuickBooks Error 6010
Root Cause of QuickBooks Error 6010
The error message can occur in a number of different circumstances:
The .ND (Network Device) file gets disassociated or disconnected from the .QBW and .TLG files resulting to the occurrence of the error.
You are running NOD32 Antivirus Software with Internet Monitor (IMON) enabled on the computer that contains the QuickBooks data file, which is another reason of the cause of error.
*Note: There are other antivirus with Internet monitoring that could cause a similar kind of error message in QuickBooks because it is acting as a firewall.
The registry cleaning programs like: Fix It Utilities can also cause this QB error.
How to fix the QB Error 6006?
There are several solutions recommended by Inuit for this error. Follow the below solutions for error rectification.
#Solution 1: For a PC install of QuickBooks
Choose File – Utilities -Stop Hosting Multi-User Access.
Close and reopen QuickBooks.
*QuickBooks should now open without error.
# Solution 2: Rename the .nd file associated with the company data file
Find the computer for files with extension .nd
Discover the .nd files with the name of the company having trouble opening
Right-click the .nd file, click rename and type old at the end
Finally open QuickBooks.
# Solution 3: Run NOD32 Antivirus Software with Internet Monitor (IMON)
Find the NOD32 program on the computer where the QuickBooks data is stored.
Disable IMON functionality.
And reboot the computer.
#Solution 4: Run reboot.bat
If the error still prevails, or you do not have IMON software installed, run reboot.bat.
#Solution 5: Perform a clean installation of QuickBooks.
It means uninstall QuickBooks, download and run the QuickBooks Clean Install Tool and finally reinstall QuickBooks.
If all the above solutions fail to resolve the QB error you can read the discussions and post messages and questions relating to your issue/error on free QuickBooks Community site introduced by Intuit or you can connect with the QuickBooks technical support for guidance and error fixation.