QuickBooks Error code C = 0 indicates Outdated Wininet.dll file. The error signifies that C=0 accessing Internet Connection Setup (2014 and older versions). For fixing C=0 error user to take help from QuickBooks Data Recovery team .
This QB error code is caused by an outdated version of the WININET.dll file on your computer. The version of this .dll file should match or be greater than your Microsoft Internet Explorer version in order for Wininet (a Microsoft Windows programming interface that provides Internet Explorer functionality) to work successfully. To resolve this code you need to determine which version of Internet Explorer you are running. You can choose About Internet Explorer from the Internet Explorer help menu.
How to Recover from QuickBooks Error Code C=0
You can confer with your system administrator about running the Internet Explorer Repair tool, which may detect whether an out-of-date version of the WININET.dll is installed on your computer. Register an uninstalled WININET.dll, or inform you about whether you need to reinstall Internet Explorer.
To know the version of Internet Explorer you are running, from the Internet Explorer Help menu, choose About Internet Explorer.
In case you are running the repair tool is not a reasonable option or does not prevent the error from appearing, try updating to the latest version of Internet Explorer. For more information on updating Internet Explorer, you can choose About Internet Explorer from the Internet Explorer Help menu, and then click the link to program updates.
If you encounter any sort of technical or functional issue while performing the data recovery or C = 0, without delay please contact QuickBooks 24/7 support number. It will connect you to the QB support executives who are also approachable through live chat and email support. Choose your mode to connect with them and resolve your issue as soon as possible. They assure complete resolution via experienced QuickBooks experts in the shortest wait time.